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Our software

Our software product supports the creation and review of executable models.

Models focus on behavior
  State transition diagrams model the behavior of business objects
 The diagram shows (
in red) the possible states of the object
 Events (
in green) cause the object to move from one state to another

Adding attributes completes a model definition
  Adding data attributes to the objects and events completes the defintion
 The model is now ready to be executed

interprets the state transition diagrams
  There is no code generation so models can be executed immediately
 The user interface and database are created automatically
 End users can understand the user interface and use it to test the model

Complex applications can be modelled
  Multiple state transition diagrams can be used to model a single object
 Both attributes and states can be derived rather than stored
 Business rules can be added to refine object behavior
 Full information is provided with the software download

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